The Gap Draught System puts the answers at your fingertips…
Most bars and restaurants know what their variances are, but they don’t know if their variances are caused by spillage, over-pouring, or theft. The Gap Draught Smart Draught Monitoring System is integrated into Lightspeed K-Series. This allows every pour and sale for each brand to be recorded and then used to determine the actual variance as well as the cause of the variance.
With the Gap Draught System, bars can:
- Monitor the average pour size of each brand, per serving size to see if pours are bigger than they need to be.
- Monitor the average number of pours it takes to serve a draught (lots of pours means the tap is foaming and is difficult to pour).
- Compare pours to sales to identify when draught beers are poured and not rung up (potential theft or negligence).
- Monitor if draughts are rung up before they are poured (process).
Tips for reducing your draught variances
- Always connect the correct keg to the correct line/tap.
- Check your gas settings and make sure they are not too high or too low. Incorrect gas settings can cause foaming.
- Make sure barmen pour up to the line on the glass, with foam above the line.
- Never tilt the glass to allow the foam to run off while pouring. Rather stop pouring and check what is causing the foaming.
- Use Gap Draught to check if draught beers are rung up before they are poured.
- Monitor your average pour size on Gap Draught, to make sure your barmen are not over-pouring. If they are then re-train them.
- Avoid pouring over the line on the glass, as you can end up giving away up to 30% extra beer.
- Adjust your recipe sizes (and selling prices) on your POS to allow for between 5% and 10% over-pouring. Doing this will result in your stock balancing.
by Craig Aiken – Director: Gap Draught
Gap Draught System FEATURES and BENEFITS
Information is just a click away and can be accessed from a computer or mobile phone…
- Manage your draught stock better.
- No more wasting time calculating your variances or weighing kegs.
- Get your variance reports sent to you daily, weekly, and monthly – automatically by email.
- View your draughts on your POS PREP SHEET without having to do a stock-take on your draughts.
- Track and reduce wastage and losses.
- Get email ALERTS:
o When your cooler gets switched off.
- Compare brands within bars or bars within groups.
- Log onto the Gap Draught mobile app to get instant access to your draught information.
For more information Contact
Kian Gogle (National Sales Manager)
Mobile: 078 802-9966
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